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    Semiconductor parts containing 080 in root number. Page 26.

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VSM0805KCBT Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KCST Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KDBT Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KDSTBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KDSW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KFBTBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KFST Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KFSW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KQST Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KQSW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KTBT Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KTBWBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805KTSW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RASTBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RBBT Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RBBW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RBSWBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RCBWBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RDBTBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RDBW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RFBT Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RFBWBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RFST Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RQSWBulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RTBW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
VSM0805RTSW Bulk Metal Foil Technology Discrete Surface Mount Chip Resistors
WSE0805100R0BEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0BEEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0BETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0BXBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0BXEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0CEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0CEEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0CETG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0CXBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0CXTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0DEBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0DEEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0DETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0DXBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0FEEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0FETG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0FXBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0FXEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0FXEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805100R0FXTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000BEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000BEEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000BETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000BXBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000BXEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000BXEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000CEEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000CETG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000CXBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000CXEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000CXTGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000DEBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000DEEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000DXEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000DXEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000DXTGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000FEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000FEEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000FXEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE08054K000FXEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KBEEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KBETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KBXEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KBXEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KCEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KCEEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KCEEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KCETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KCXEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KDEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KDEEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KDETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KDXBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KDXEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KDXEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KDXTGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KFEBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KFEEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KFETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805KFXEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RBEEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RBEEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RBETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RBXEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RBXTGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RCEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RCETGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RCXEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RDEBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RDXEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RDXTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RFEBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RFEEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RFEEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RFXBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RFXEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSE0805RFXTGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors (Extended Range) Surface Mount
WSL0805Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DBA18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DEA18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DTA18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DTA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000DTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FBA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FEK18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FTA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000FTGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000JBA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000JBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000JEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000JEK18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000JEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000JTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL08055L000JTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LDBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LDEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LDEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LDTA18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LDTA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LDTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LDTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LFBA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LFEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LFEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LFTA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LFTA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LFTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LJEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LJEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LJTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805LJTGPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100DBA18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100DBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100DEA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100DEK18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100DTA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100DTA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100DTG18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FBA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FEA18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FEA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FEK18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100FTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100JBA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100JBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100JEK18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100JTA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100JTA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100JTG18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805R0100JTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RDBA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RDEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RDEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RDTA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RDTA Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RFBA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RFEA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RFEK18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RFTA18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RFTAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RFTG18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RFTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJBAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJEA18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJEK18Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJTAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJTG18 Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, High Power (2 x Standard WSL), Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSL0805RJTG Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805LDEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805LDEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805LFEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805LFEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805R0100DEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805R0100FEAPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805R0100FEKPower Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount
WSLP0805RDEK Power Metal Strip?? Resistors, Very High Power (to 1 W) Low Value (down to 0.001 ?©), Surface Mount

VGC400080/2LM-DIEDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/2LM-QFP100CDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/2LM-QFP100PDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/2LM-QFP128PDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/2LM-QFP80CDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/2LM-QFP80PDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/2LM-TAB-DIEDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/3LM-DIEDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/3LM-QFP100CDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/3LM-QFP100PDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/3LM-QFP128PDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/3LM-QFP80CDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/3LM-QFP80PDigital Gate Array
VGC400080/3LM-TAB-DIEDigital Gate Array

CRS080G408 kV, CRT power supply
HVP080N30003 mA, high voltage power supply
HVP080P30003 mA, high voltage power supply

MQF40.025-0800-02Monolithic crystal filter
MQF40.048-0800-02 Monolithic crystal filter
MQF41.44-0800-06Monolithic crystal filter
MQF70.0-0800-07 Monolithic crystal filter
OX-40X0-DAE-5080-10 Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-40X0-DAJ-5080-10Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-40X0-DAP-5080-10 Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-40X0-EAE-5080-10Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-40X0-EAJ-5080-10 Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-5010-BAJ-5080-10 Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-5010-BAP-5080-10Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-5010-EAE-5080-10Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-5010-EAJ-5080-10Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OX-5010-EAP-5080-10 Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BAE-106 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BAE-507 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BAP-507 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BAT-106Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BAT-207 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBE-507Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBP-106 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBP-207 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBP-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBP-507 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBT-207 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBT-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BBT-507Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BEE-106Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BEE-207Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BEE-507Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BEP-106 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BEP-207Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BEP-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BET-106Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-BET-207Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAE-106Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAE-207 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAE-466Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAE-507 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAP-106 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAP-207 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAT-106Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAT-207Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DAT-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DBE-106 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DBE-207 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DBP-106 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DBP-507Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DBT-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DEE-207 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DEE-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DEE-507 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DEP-207Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DEP-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DEP-507 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DET-106 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DET-207Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DET-466 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TX-0800-DET-507 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
VCC6-LAA-622M0803.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LAB-622M080 3.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LAE-622M0803.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LAF-622M0803.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LCA-622M0803.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LCB-622M080 3.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LCC-622M080 3.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LCD-622M0803.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LCE-622M080 3.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCC6-LCF-622M0803.3 volt LVDS Oscillator, >270MHz
VCO600A622.080MHZVoltage Controlled Saw Oscillator
VS-500-KEF-GNN622.0800 Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator
VS-500-KFF-GNN622.0800 Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator
VS-500-LEF-GNN622.0800 Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator
VS-500-LEF-HNN622.0800 Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator
VS-500-LFF-GNN622.0800Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator
VS-751-LFF-GNN622.0800 Dual Frequency VCSO
VS-751-LFF-HNN622.0800 Dual Frequency VCSO

Winbond Electronics
W551C080Serial Voice Memory

SVC080D05BVaristor, Metal-Oxide
SVC080D07BVaristor, Metal-Oxide
SVC080D10BVaristor, Metal-Oxide

WH0802ACHARACTER LCD MODULE display format: 8x2; module size: 58.0x32.0; viewing size: 38.0x16.0; character size: 2.96x5.56; dot size: 0.56x0.66;

P080CH02C2K0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02CG0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02CH0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02CJ0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02CK0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02D2K0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02DG0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02DH0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02DJ0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02DK0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02E2K0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02EG0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02EH0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02EJ0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02EK0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02F2K0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02FG0200V V[drm] Max., 67A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02FH0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02FJ0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH02FK0200V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04C2K0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04CG0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04CH0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04CJ0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04CK0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04D2K0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04DG0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04DH0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04DJ0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04DK0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04E2K0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04EG0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04EH0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04EJ0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04EK0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04F2K0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04FG0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04FH0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04FJ0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH04FK0400V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06C2K0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06CG0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06CH0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06CJ0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06CK0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06D2K0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06DG0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06DH0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06DJ0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06DK0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06E2K0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06EG0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06EH0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06EJ0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06EK0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06F2K0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06FG0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06FH0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06FJ0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH06FK0600V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08C2K0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08CG0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08CH0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08CJ0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08CK0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08D2K0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08DG0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08DH0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08DJ0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08DK0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08E2K0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08EG0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08EH0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08EJ0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08EK0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08F2K0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08FG0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08FH0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08FJ0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH08FK0800V V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10C2K01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10CG01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10CH01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10CJ01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10CK01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10D2K01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10DG01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10DH01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10DJ01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10DK01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10E2K01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10EG01.0kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10EH01.0kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10EJ01.0kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10EK01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10F2K01.0kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10FG01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10FH01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10FJ01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH10FK01kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12C2K01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12CG01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12CH01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12CJ01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12CK01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12D2K01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12DG01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12DH01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12DJ01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12DK01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12E2K01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12EG01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12EH01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12EJ01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12EK01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12F2K01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12FG01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12FH01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12FJ01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH12FK01.2kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14C2K01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14CG01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14CH01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14CJ01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14CK01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14D2K01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14DG01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14DH01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14DJ01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14DK01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14E2K01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14EG01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14EH01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14EJ01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14EK01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14F2K01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14FG01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14FH01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14FJ01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080CH14FK01.4kV V[drm] Max., 290A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02C2K0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02CG0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02CH0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02CJ0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02CK0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02D2K0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02DG0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02DH0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02DJ0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02DK0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02E2K0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02EG0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02EH0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02EJ0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02EK0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02F2K0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02FG0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02FH0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02FJ0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH02FK0200V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04C2K0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04CG0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04CH0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04CJ0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04CK0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04D2K0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04DG0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04DH0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04DJ0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04DK0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04E2K0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04EG0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04EH0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04EJ0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04EK0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04F2K0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04FG0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04FH0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04FJ0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH04FK0400V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06C2K0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06CG0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06CH0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06CJ0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06CK0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06D2K0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06DG0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06DH0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06DJ0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06DK0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06E2K0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06EG0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06EH0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06EJ0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06EK0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06F2K0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06FG0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06FH0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06FJ0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH06FK0600V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08C2K0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08CG0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08CH0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08CJ0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08CK0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08D2K0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08DG0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08DH0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08DJ0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08DK0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08E2K0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08EG0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08EH0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08EJ0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08EK0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08F2K0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08FG0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08FH0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08FJ0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH08FK0800V V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10C2K01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10CG01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10CH01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10CJ01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10CK01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10D2K01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10DG01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10DH01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10DJ01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10DK01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10E2K01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
P080PH10EG01kV V[drm] Max., 175A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
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