The TC55VBM316AFTN/ASTN is a 8,388,608-bit static random access memory (SRAM) organized as 524,288 words by 16 bits/1,048,576 words by 8 bits. Fabricated using Toshiba's CMOS Silicon gate process technology, this device operates from a single 2.3 to 3.6 V power supply. Advanced circuit technology provides both high speed and low power at an operating current of 3 mA/MHz and a minimum cycle time of 40 ns. It is automatically placed in low-power mode at 0.7 A standby current (at VDD = 3 V, Ta = 25C, typical) when chip enable ( CE1 ) is asserted high or (CE2) is asserted low. There are three control inputs. CE1 and CE2 are used to select the device and for data retention control, and output enable ( OE ) provides fast memory access. Data byte control pin ( LB , UB ) provides lower and upper byte access. This device is well suited to various microprocessor system applications where high speed, low power and battery backup are required. And, with a guaranteed operating extreme temperature range of -40 to 85C, the TC55VBM316AFTN/ASTN can be used in environments exhibiting extreme temperature conditions. The TC55VBM316AFTN/ASTN is available in a plastic 48-pin thin-small-outline package (TSOP). |