The M54/74HC4538 is a high speed CMOS DUAL MONOSTABLEMULTIVIBRATOR fabricated in silicon gate C2MOS technology. It has the same high speed performance of LSTTL combined with true CMOS low power consumption. Each multivibrator features both a negative, A, and a positive, B, edge triggered input, either of which can be used as an inhibit input. Also included is a clear input that when taken low resets the one shot. The monostable multivibrators are retriggerable. That is, they may be triggered reapeatedly while their outputs are generating a pulse and the pulse will be extended. Pulse width stability over a wide range of temperature and supply is achieved using linear CMOS techniques. The output pulse equation is simply : PW = 0.7 (R)(C) where PW is in seconds, R in Ohms, and C is in Farads. |