The LT1170/LT1171/LT1172 are monolithic high power switching regulators. They can be operated in all standard switching configurations including buck, boost, flyback, forward, inverting and "Cuk." A high current, high efficiency switch is included on the die along with all oscillator, control and protection circuitry. Integration of all functions allows the LT1170/LT1171/LT1172 to be built in a standard 5-pin TO-3 or TO-220 power package as well as the 8-pin packages (LT1172). This makes them extremely easy to use and provides "bust proof" operation similar to that obtained with 3-pin linear regulators. The LT1170/LT1171/LT1172 operate with supply voltages from 3V to 60V, and draw only 6mA quiescent current. They can deliver load power up to 100W with no external power devices. By utilizing current-mode switching techniques, they provide excellent AC and DC load and line regulation. |