The IDT71321/IDT71421 are high-speed 2K x 8 DualPort Static RAMs with internal interrupt logic for interprocessor communications. The IDT71321 is designed to be used as a stand-alone 8-bit Dual-Port RAM or as a "MASTER" Dual-Port RAM together with the IDT71421 "SLAVE" DualPort in 16-bit-or-more word width systems. Using the IDT MASTER/SLAVE Dual-Port RAM approach in 16-or-morebit memory system applications results in full speed, errorfree operation without the need for additional discrete logic. Both devices provide two independent ports with separate control, address, and I/O pins that permit independent, asynchronous access for reads or writes to any location in memory. An automatic power down feature, controlled by CE, permits the on chip circuitry of each port to enter a very low standby power mode. |