The TS68040 is Atmel's third generation of 68000-compatible, high-performance, 32bit microprocessors. The TS68040 is a virtual memory microprocessor employing multiple, concurrent execution units and a highly integrated architecture to provide very high performance in a monolithic HCMOS device. On a single chip, the TS68040 integrates a 68030-compatible integer unit, an IEEE 754-compatible floating-point unit (FPU), and fully independent instruction and data demand-paged memory management units (MMUs), including 4K bytes independent instruction and data caches. A high degree of instruction execution parallelism is achieved through the use of multiple independent execution pipelines, multiple internal buses, and a full internal Harvard architecture, including separate physical caches for both instruction and data accesses. The TS68040 also directly supports cache coherency in multimaster applications with dedicated on-chip bus snooping logic. |