The ALD110802/ALD110902 devices are built for minimum offset voltage and differential thermal response, and they are suited for switching and amplifying applications in <+0.1V to +10V systems where low input bias current, low input capacitance and fast switching speed are desired, as these devices exhibit well controlled turn-off and sub-threshold characteristics and can be biased and operated in the sub-threshold region. Since these are MOSFET devices, they feature very large (almost infinite) current gain in a low frequency, or near DC, operating environment. The ALD110802/ALD110902 are suitable for use in very low operating voltage or very low power (nanowatt), precision applications which require very high current gain, beta, such as current mirrors and current sources. The high input impedance and the high DC current gain of the Field Effect Transistors result from extremely low current loss through the control gate. The DC current gain is limited by the gate input leakage current, which is specified at 30pA at room temperature. For example, DC beta of the device at a drain current of 3mA and input leakage current of 30pA at 25C is = 3mA/30pA = 100,000,000. |