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MITEL Semiconductor logo
Part number identification

Part number identification

    Mitel Semiconductor products are identified by a prefix defining the product family, a device type designation number, a specification suffix, and a package suffix.

    The family prefix consists of two alphabetical characters denoting the product family in broad, general terms. The device type is a four to five digit alpha-numeric number identifying the product within the family.

    The specification suffix defines variants of a particular device-type and its significance is described in the data sheet of the device concerned.

    The package suffix, which defines the package type, refers to drawings in the databook section "Package Outlines". The first page of each data sheet carries a section named "Ordering Information". This shows the full part number for each of the variants and package styles available for the device, and should be consulted to determine the correct part number for ordering purposes.

    A breakdown of a typical part number is shown below for reference.

Example of Mitel part numbering

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