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AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) logo P.O. Box 3453, Sunnyvale, California, 94088-3453, US
tel: 1-408-732-2400
fax: 1-800-538-8450

    AMD is a leading supplier of integrated circuits (ICs) for the world of personal and networked computing and communications. Founded in 1969, AMD today is the second-largest supplier of Microsoft Windows compatible PC processors. AMD revenues totaled $2.5 billion in 1998. Deriving more than half of its revenues from international markets, AMD has more than 13,000 employees worldwide and manufacturing facilities in the United States, Europe, and Asia, as well as sales offices in major cities around the globe.

    AMD provides Windows compatible processors, flash memory devices, and communications and networking products that enhance the power and utility of PCs as information-processing and communications tools. AMD's silicon solutions enable improved connectivity, superior visual computing platforms, and faster, easier Internet access from PCs and other information appliances.

    AMD envisions an openly competitive world empowered by information technology. To achieve this vision, AMD combines innovative product concepts with advanced process technology, design excellence, and a global manufacturing presence. The resulting AMD products and services help customers around the world reduce cost, improve performance, and shorten time to market.

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Win Win Circuit - PCB,PCBA,Touch Screen,LED Lighting
Win Win Circuit LTD. PCB, PCBA, LCD Module