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AM79C970 series datasheets. Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).

AM79C970AKCPCnetTM-PCI II single-chip full-duplex ethernet controller for PCI local bus product in 132-pin PQFP package. Operational temperature range from 0°C to 70°C.Datasheet*)
AM79C970AKCWPCnetTM-PCI II single-chip full-duplex ethernet controller for PCI local bus product in 132-pin PQFP package. Operational temperature range from 0°C to 70°C.Datasheet*)
AM79C970AVCPCnetTM-PCI II single-chip full-duplex ethernet controller for PCI local bus product in 144-pin TQFP package. Operational temperature range from 0°C to 70°C.Datasheet*)
AM79C970AVCWPCnetTM-PCI II single-chip full-duplex ethernet controller for PCI local bus product in 144-pin TQFP package. Operational temperature range from 0°C to 70°C.Datasheet*)
AM79C970PCnetTM-PCI Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for PCI Local BusDatasheet*)
AM79C970APCnet-PCI II Single-Chip Full-Duplex Ethernet Controller for PCI Local Bus ProductDatasheet*)
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